Women's Black Leather Gold Studs Detachable Shoulder Strap - Cheapest Faux Valentino Candystud Top Handle Bag Website USA
This replica bag has the same details as the real one. Many fans are particularly fond of everything from the quilted lambskin to the large studs that adorn the bag. This type of quilted leather, commonly known as matelessé, is done over and over again by different designers (including Valentino itself), but this bag is designed in a different way. The quilted leather is exaggerated, pillow-like, very playful and sophisticated. The solid black leather "V" is relatively understated for a logo bag, but it's a versatile color and a standard color block design. Overall, this replica bag has everything you need, with a zipped pocket and two open pockets inside.
Availability: In stock
Color | Black |
Handbag Exterior | Small tote bag with an flat open pocket in vintage black leather decorated with golden rivets and a shoulder strap and one top handle |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Lambskin Leather |
Style | European |
Handbag Closure | Twist-lock closure |
Handbag Dimension | W23XH17XD11(cm) |
Handbag Interior | one zipped pocket and two flat open pockets. |
Handbag Size | Small |
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